Of Books and Wargames 2
Fan of Warhammer 40K? Love Black Library books? Like reading reviews? Well, this is the place for you. With me regulary updating review on books, you can be assured you're in the right place. Come Here and enjoy the fun!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Sorry Guys
Why? I am taking my GSCE's and therefore will have to study. I'll try and get one more review in before I go back to school (last year, yay), but I'm going to leave it to you guys to decide what I should review.
Titanicus? The Founding? Blood Angels Omnibus? Legion? Mechanicum? Ultramarines Omnibus? Eisenhorn? Rynn's World? A book that I will pick up from town today?
Your choice.
~Bane of Kings
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Flesh and Iron: Henry Zou *Minor Spoilers*
From the Planet of Solo-Baston, there come reports of an uprising. It seems indigenous forces are rebelling against Imperial rule, and a mysterious figure known as 'Dos Pares' is at the centre of the conflict. Into this chaos, the 31st Riverene Imperial Guard are dispatched to neutralise a vital battery of siege guns, and find themselves surrounded by hostile local forces. But what the regiment first dismiss as simple tribal warefare soon turns out to be something much more sinister and dangerous.
Henry Zou returns to Black Library with Flesh and Iron, the next installment in the Bastion Wars series after the Emperor's Mercy novel, which, aside from being my first 40k novel (apart from Chaos Child) , was also my first sci-fi novel. So naturally, I had to pick this up. I refrained from doing so when it first came out, but I decided to buy it so I could read the prelude to Emperor's Mercy.
Now, becuase my last review kind of strayed off topic to talk about zombies, I'm going to try and stick on topic this review. When I first started reading the book, Solo Baston seemed like the Vietnam of the 40K universe, (but no south and west, it's divided between cities and jungles) with jungle-fighting with not-catachan regiments, and a Colonel who's basically a glory hunter, (much to the displease of his men, mind you), and we also see some in-fighting.
Oh, and this book has some plagerised bits in it, after reading a review on Amazon. I couldn't find the plagerised bits in Flesh and Iron, but I enjoyed it otherwise.
It helps if you've read Emperor's Mercy first however, as Flesh and Iron kind of fleshes out the background and we see the re-appereance of quite possibly my favourite chaos legion, the Blood Gorgons, and Khorsabad Maw from the first book. Oops, I probably shouldn't have told you that. Ah well, better change this to "Minor Spoilers".
High Point: This was great to return to the Bastion Wars series, as I really enjoyed Emperor's Mercy, and it was also my first book about jungle fighting. Who knows, I may have to pick up some books about Veitnam now. This book is also typical 40k, showing the ruthlesness of the Imperials as much as the archenemy. There is no fully "good" side in this universe.
Low Point: That I found out this book had some plagerised content.
Rating: 7/10. It would have an 8 but for plagerising.
Should you buy this book: Depends on whether you're happy about Plagerisim or not. And if you liked Emperor's Mercy. Buy this book if you don't care about plagerisim and you really want to find out what happens in the Bastion Wars novels.
~Bane of Kings, over and out. Next time, I'll be reviewing my first Gaunt's Ghosts Novel, as well as my first Omnibus, entitled "The Founding," by Dan Abnett. Also, I have Eisenhorn and Titanicus waiting to be read, alongside Rynn's World by Steve Parker.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Cadian Blood: Aaron Dembski-Bowden *Minor Spoilers*
Monday, 2 August 2010
Battle for the Aybss: Ben Counter
NEWS OF HORUS'S treachery is in the open, and a time of testing has come. As Horus deploys his forces, loyalist Astartes learn that the Wordbearers are sending a fleet to Ultramar, home of the Ultramarines. Unless they can intercept and destroy it, the Ultramarines may suffer a blow from which they will never recover.
Battle for the Aybss continues the epic tale of the Horus Heresy, a galactic civil war that threatened to bring about the extinction of humanty.
Right, Battle for the Aybss. The eight novel in the Horus Heresy series, and the first featuring the Ultramarines, and follows brother captain and fleet commander Cestus of the seventh company, as he tries to bring down the Furious Aybss, a ship enhanced by the dark powers of the warp before it can reach Ultramar, and reduce the worlds of the Ultramarines to ashes. Side from Cestus and his Honour Guard, we also get a ragtag bunch of Space Marines from three other legions, Brynngar, a captain of the Space Wolves, Mhotep, a sergeant and the only Thousand Son on board, and Skraal of the World Eaters. Needless to say, when Thousand Sons and Space Wolves meet, this won't be pretty.
This book also contains some decent ship-to-ship warfare, which helped me as I am currently writing a book (non 40K), which contains a small space battle at the beginning. However, I felt that it was very action packed, with hardly and slow parts. Also, like Descent of Angels and it's sequel, I felt that it strayed from the original layout featuring Horus and his Legion, but we got them back in Nemesis, so I am content.
High Point: The Ultramarines getting killed, (always good to see some smurfs getting killed) and the honour duel between two of the loyal space marines.
Low Point: Too much action, and it didn't feel like a Horus Heresy novel, similar to the Dark Angels ones.
Rating: 6 / 10
Seeya next time, when I'll be reviewing my first Imperial Guard novel, not including Emperor's Mercy. I would've picked up Gaunt's Ghosts, but the Waterstones I was in didn't have them, so I brought Cadian Blood. That's what I'll be reviewing next time.
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Path of the Warrior: Gav Thorpe *Minor Spoilers*
The Ancient Eldar are a mysterious race and each devotes their life to a chosen path that will guide their actions and decide their fate. Korlandril abandons the way of peace for th Path of the Warrior - to follow the arts of death and destruction. Choosing the Warrior Aspect of the Striking Scorpion, Korlandril intends to become a merciless killer adept in the art of close - quater combat. But the further Korlandril travels down this path, the closer he gets to loosing his identity and turning into the ultimate embodiment of warfare.
There are two things that you notice when you pick up this book. One, is the awesome cover (Thank you Neil Roberts!), and Two, it's the first Eldar book done by Black Library. So, despite not being into Eldar at the moment (Although, I have started a project in the past, but other things got in the way), I picked this book up, hoping it would not tempt me to collect Eldar after I picked up the Blood Angels codex in a recent purchase.
Now, onto the actual book. This is the first peice of Xenos book that I have ever read, despite glancing through the first two pages of Fire Warrior in my school library. The story follows a young Eldar named Korlandril, who ultimatley ditches path of the artist for path of the warrior, and turns from peace. Gav Thorpe, despite the negative reviews I've heard about him in the past, really gives us loads of information in showing how the Eldar live and work.
Unfortuantly, for those of us who love the fire of guns and tank battles (you know what I'm talking about, battles), this novel isn't really an action packed novel, ranging from battle to battle in the blink of an eye. Sure, there is a minor engagment with the Orks and an apperance from a nameless Space Marine Chapter, but the majorty of this novel is focusing on the Background of the Eldar.
High Point: The Bit between Korlandil and his friend, who shall remain nameless, and a joke about "Path of the Idiot."
Low Point: I found it hard to get into the Eldar at first, namely because I'd never read any fluff from their point of view before.
Rating: 9/10
~Bane of Kings over and out. Expect a Battle for the Aybss review next.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Nemesis: James Swallow *Spoilers*

Nemesis: James Swallow
AFTER THE HORRORS of Isstvan V, Horus declared outright war against the Imperium. In the shadows f the Emperor's Palace, powerful figures convene. Their plan is to send a teamp of assassins to execute the Archtraitor Horus and end the war for the galaxy before it's even begun. But what they cannot know is that Horus and his dark allies have already embarked on an equally sinister plan of their own.
So, I promised I'd have this review up for you, so here it is. Nemesis, the next installment in the one-million selling Horus Heresy series after A Thousand Sons, is the first novel in the Horus Heresy series, and if am not mistaken, the first Warhammer 40,000 novel to ever feature Assassins.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Black Library Books Coming Soon (And What I'll Be Reviewing Next)
40K books Coming Soon
Hunt for Voldorius: Andy Hoare

Captain Kor'sarro Khan of the White Scars is petitioned by his Chapter Master to hunt down and destroy the daemon prince Voldorius, a warleader of the renegade Alpha Legion, thus ending his reign of terror across the stars. Hunting the beast doggedly for over a decade, Kor'sarro finally brings Voldorius to battle on Quintus, a world that has totally given itself over to the Alpha Legion. Together with their Raven Guard allies, the White Scars must fight an entire planet if they are to slay the daemon prince.
[This is the next installment in the Space Marine Battles Series and I can tell you guys that I'm reaallly looking forward to this!. Should be awesome If you want to read an extract, go to this link: http://www.blacklibrary.com/Warhammer-40000/Space-Marine-Battles/Hunt-for-Voldorius-The.html, and click on Read an Extract].
Fear the Alien: Edited by Christan Dunne

The Imperium of Man has many enemies among the stars, but none are reviled so much as the alien. Dangerous races seek to destroy humanity wherever they turn –the brutish orks, the ravening hordes of the tyranid, the unrelenting necrons and the mysterious forces of the tau and the eldar. Across the universe, humanity and their defenders, the Space Marines, seek to eradicate these xenos threats. Yet all they can hope for is another day of survival – for to stand against the alien is to enter an unending war... Featuring stories by Dan Abnett, Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Nick Kyme, Juliet McKenna, C.L. Werner and many more, Fear the Alien is an unmissable collection for fans of Warhammer 40,000 and military science fiction.
[Okay, here's some short stories for 40k by lots of authors which basically focuses on the xenos threat to mankind. As mentioned above, you get stories by Dan Abnett, Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Nick Kyme, Juliet McKenna (Who I've never heard of before), C.L. Werner and more, this looks promising. I may be picking it up].
Prospero Burns: Dan Abnett

The Emperor is enraged. Primarch Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons Legion has made a terrible mistake that endangers the very safety of Terra. With no other choice, the Emperor charges Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves, with the apprehension of his brother from the Thousand Sons home world of Prospero. This planet of sorcerers will not be easy to overcome, but Russ and his Space Wolves are not easily deterred. With wrath in his heart, Russ is determined to bring Magnus to justice and bring about the fall of Prospero.
[The next installment in the Horus Heresy Series, the sequel to A Thousand Sons, and written by Dan Abnett features the Space Wolves' side of the Battle for Prospero. Of course, this is delayed by Dan Abnett being ill, and I am glad that he made a recovery. So yeah, as A Thousand Sons was absolutley fantastic, I'll have to try and pick this up. Looks superb. There is currently no preview avaliable but yeah.]
The First Heretic: Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Amidst the galaxy-wide war of the Great Crusade, the Emperor castigates the Word Bearers for their worship. Distraught at this judgement, Lorgar and his Legion seek another path while devastating world after world, venting their fury and fervour on the battlefield. Their search for a new purpose leads them to the edge of the material universe, where they meet ancient forces far more powerful than they could have imagined. Having set out to illuminate the Imperium, the corruption of Chaos takes hold and their path to damnation begins. Unbeknownst to the Word Bearers, their quest for truth contains the very roots of heresy…
[Another Installment in the Horus Heresy Series features Aaron Dembski-Bowden's first Horus Heresy novel, which is according to his blog, about the same size as A Thousand Sons and Nemesis, and features the Word Bearers fall to Chaos. This Looks Pretty awesome.]
Firedrake: Nick Kyme

When Chaplain Elysius of the Salamanders is taken captive by Dark Eldar, he faces a fight for survival at the hands of these cruel aliens. The Firedrakes of 1st Company attempt a daring rescue mission, but much more is at stake than the Chaplain’s life. He holds the key to secrets buried beneath Mount Deathfire, secrets that could reveal the damnation – or salvation – of their home world. The Salamanders must penetrate the Port of Anguish and defeat the xenos threat there if they are to unveil the mysteries within the Tome of Fire. Meanwhile, Dak’ir battles to survive the brutal Librarian training, and in his visions liesan even darker future…
[This is the next installment in the Tome of Fire Trilogy written by Nick Kyme, and as we've seen from Salamander, which was amazing, this has got a big reputation to live up to. I can't wait to read this book, by the way].
Well, that's that out of the way, but those are only the tip of the iceberg for future Black Library releases. (Ones which I'm looking forward to but don't have enough time to mention here are Blood Gorgon by Henry Zou and Garro: Oath of the Moment by James Swallow. Of course, we've also got the huge exictment of the Ultramarines Movie to look forward to in the near future, and if you're intrested in more future releases, head over to the Black Library website. Also, If any links don't work, copy and paste them into the link bar at the top.
I hope you enjoyed this massively long blog post, and now I'm going to leave you with news that I picked up two black Library books today from Waterstones who were doing a 3 for 2 offer on all Science Fiction and Fantasy books, (the 3rd book was not a BL, and a family member brought it), and they are... Path of the Warrior - Gav Thorpe, and Heroes of the Space Marines [Various].
~Bane of Kings, see you later all!