WHEN THE IMPERIAL shrine world of Kathur is blighted by Chaos, the brave Guardsman of Cadia are sent to reclaim it. The plague of Nurgle has set in deeply on the planet, forcing the Cadians into battle with an innumerable legion of the infected. In the midist of battle, Captain Parmenion Thade is thrust into an unlikely commanding role. Yet he cannot imagine what lies ahead on Kathur and just how important it will be to ensure victory there...
Okay, so this was my first Imperial Guard novel, but it's also Aaron Dembski-Bowden's first ever novel for Black Library. After reading Helsreach and Soul Hunter, I simply had to pick it up. Another reason could be that the Waterstones I was in didn't have too much choice. Now, back to the novel. It starts off with introducing the history of the planet, before introducing the charachters. Also, may I just point out one thing: ZOMBIES! In the 40K universe! Okay, if you're counting that as two things, then okay, have two things, but anyway, before I get too far off topic, back to Cadian Blood.
Instead of reclaiming the planet by blasting it out of space with exterminatus, the Cadian 88th Mechanichanized (yes, I know I can't spell that right) Infantry, (Thade's regiment) find themselves with orders to capture the planet without blowing it to bits. And worse, the planet's crawling with Nurgle infested Zombies. We're introduced to the charachters that are actually likeable, which is always a plus.
This novel is action packed after the explanation of the planet's history, and that includes a huge space battle between the Terminus Est, the flagship of Typhus, which we saw in The Flight of the Eisenstien, and Galaxy in Flames, both novels in the Horus Heresy. Also, we get to see the Raven Guard pitted against the Death Guard in a grudge match between the two chapters/legions.
All in all, this was a fantastic book, not bad for Dembski-Bowden's first novel.
High Point: The apperance of Typhus, and lots of humour.
Low Point: Too much action, if I do say so myself. Also, the authour had a habit of telling us that people would die before they actually did, which made it a bit annoying. However, it did make me read on to find out how they died. The book was also a bit predictable as well.
Rating: 8/10
Should you buy this: YES!
~Bane of Kings, over and out. The next book(s) should be The Ultramarines Omnibus, but if I can get Legion, Mechanicum and Tales of Heresy, you'll have them to look forward to.
nice review, i'll share the love and reblog the link on my site.